Monday, May 11, 2009


Yet another episode of listen to MPLS... this time Ak Libretto aka Ak Rite of the Usual Suspects is in the studio for a chat.

listen hurr


E_Napier said...

I saw the Beatbox Mixtapes on HHB too. I thought it was you, Noam, but I didn’t cop it.

Mad heads from my family are on facebook. I don’t do it. And I can’t get down with Twitter. Meh…

Google has a big spot in NYC. One of my boys spent New Years there a few years back.

Bring back blood blunts.

I say get everything out of the way in high school, then focus when/if you go to college. High school it’s easy to bounce back, but college costs scrill.

I’ll talk to a woman if she’s wearing sweat pants. Doesn’t matter to me as long as she’s not a bubblehead.

Franz, you should let me hold that book when I come through. I’m not buying it.

anderother said...

bubblehead like she looks like a klingon or bubblehead like, *pop* all helium?

E_Napier said...


Anonymous said...

me beam. ive seen that, super nasty.

i add no family on facebook too, haha.

franz. the mixtape is raw.

joebug said...

I'd rather have my family than all my friends. Lets me see them, I see my friends anyway.